Twelve years ago TACA entered a licensee agreement with the National Center for State Courts to offer the Institute for Court Management’s (ICM) Certified Court Manager Program in Texas to TACA members employed in the Texas District, County, and Probate Courts. Several classes of coordinators, managers, and administrators graduated with the CCM certification and today lead their courts to excellence.
TACA will continue supporting the professional development of its members by offering the Court Certified Managers Program. As with all ICM courses, class sizes are limited, and TACA will be accepting applications for acceptance into the Program. A few new changes will be a part of the program moving forward. The CCM Program has always required six courses. In the past ICM offered credit for the Caseflow Management course for members who had completed PDP Coordination and Management programs. The PDP courses are no longer offered by the Texas Center for the Judiciary. Moving forward TACA will offer all six CCM courses.
The second change is one all of us are too familiar with in today’s world. Some number of courses will be offered virtually. TACA will offer two in-person courses at the Conference. Two or three virtual courses will be offered during the following twelve months, and one or two in-person courses will be offered in conjunction with the Annual Conference. Participants completing all six courses will graduate (and we will honor/celebrate them) at the Annual Conference.
Consider that acceptance into the program is a commitment to attend all six courses and graduate with your class in the Fall.
Thank your Board for the commitment to offering CCM certification through TACA at a fraction of the cost to attend the national programs. I hope to see all of you at the Conference.
Ed Wells
Chair, Professional Development
Texas Association for Court Administration
Keep an eye out for the email that will be sent out in November with the Application for the CCM Program.
If you have any questions, please contact Ed Wells at