Membership Committee

The Membership Committee should work to achieve continual growth of the association and public awareness of the profession of court administration. The committee shall work closely with the Board of Directors and the named Secretariat in recruiting and maintaining an active roster of membership for the organization. In these efforts, the committee should strive to:

  • Promote the profession of Court Administration in a positive manner;
  • Identify and inform all court personnel in the State of Texas about the organization and benefits in membership;
  • Assist the named Secretariat in identifying and maintaining accurate records of a member’s tenure in the organization;
  • Identify and promote opportunities for involvement and input from the membership regarding services provided by the organization;
  • Assess members’ needs through surveys, analysis and review of current trends in the profession of court administration;
  • Maintain a membership, representative of the State’s regional and geographical areas;
  • Research and identify a member’s contributions to the organization for proper recognition;
  • Research and identify the professional accomplishments of a member for proper recognition by the organization;
  • Identify, promote and involve the senior membership, in mentoring and training programs; and,
  • Report quarterly on committee’s goal attainment.

Jacqueline Caudillo 
Membership Liaison

Administrative Specialist Intermediate

Council of Judges Administration

500 E. San Antonio, Suite 101

El Paso, Texas 79901

Sunni Tilson

Committee Chair

Court Coordinator

1901 E. US Hwy 175

Kaufman, TX 75142

(214) 946-6856

Committee Members

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