Neva Gonzalez - Liaison email
Marty Stiles - Co-Chair email
Natalia Contreras - Co-Chair email
Lupita Adams - Vendor Coordinator email
Purpose of the Education Committee: To organize formal education for the membership, promote social interactions of professionals with others of their profession and encourage the exchange of ideas regarding practical applications of their personal knowledge.
Purpose of the Vendor Coordinator: This individual will be responsible for the management of organizations, entities, and companies interested in meeting conference attendees for the purpose of product and information exposure.
Membership. 1 Board Member (Liaison) and 2 Co-Chairs and 1 Vendor Coordinator, plus as many members as necessary to accomplish the work of the committee.
Duties: responsible for finding and making contact with potential speakers, introduce speakers and work the registration desk during the annual education conference, suggest topics for future conferences bring door prizes for the conference and help our Secretariat with Audio Visual set up during the conference.
Duties of Vendor Coordinator shall maintain a close working relationship with the Education Committee and assists this committee by providing exhibitor sponsors for conference activities, exhibitor sponsors for hosting of conference luncheons and breaks, prior to arrival of the exhibitors insure adequate tables, draperies, and electrical outlets are available for each exhibitor and spend time during the conference with the exhibitors to insure all their needs are being met.
Kim Quillin - Liaison email
Katrina Blunk - Chair email
Purpose. To coordinate, edit and produce the Journal publications. The Journal is the official publication of TACA and is published in January, April and August each year. The Publications Committee is also responsible for keeping TACA’s social media content up-to-date and accessible to viewers.
Membership. 1 Board Member (Liaison) and 1 chair, plus as many members as necessary to accomplish the work of the committee.
Duties: Look for articles that will benefit court staff for publication in the Journal. Interview a TACA member or Judge with basic questions and submitting the answers as a written article for the Journal, assisting at the conference, help work the registration desk, take pictures at the conference for the next addition of the Journal, updating information on TACA’s Facebook page and TACA’s website.
Do you know a TACA member or Judge you would like to interview and submit for Publication? If so please contact our Publications Committee Chair Katrina Blunk at
Jacqueline Caudillo - Liaison email
Leslie Broz - Chair email
Purpose. To work to achieve continual growth of the association and public awareness of the profession of court administration, work closely with the Secretariat in recruiting and maintaining an active roster of membership for the organization. The membership committee shall promote the profession of Court Administration in a positive manner, identify and inform all court personnel in the State of Texas about the organization and benefits in membership and assess member’s needs through surveys, analysis and review current trends in the profession of court administration.
Membership. 1 Board Member (Liaison) and 1 chair, plus as many members as necessary to accomplish the work of the committee.
Duties. Recruit new members, work the welcome reception for new members at the annual education conference, keep track of membership numbers, help plan TACA events, award membership pins during the conference, recommend and vote for the Member of the Year and help work the registration desk at the conference.
Signora Lott - Liaison email
Nina De La Garza - Chair email
Purpose. To help provide educational opportunities to members from jurisdictions that may not have adequate financial resources to send court employee to TACA conferences or other court-related workshops. The Scholarship Committee will work with the Education Committee in researching changes in educational opportunities for members and work with the Finance Committee in researching donation trends and availability of funds to be used for potential scholarship awards. The shall coordinate the application, delivery, and selection process for the scholarship recipients and maintain a historical list of donors and scholarship recipients.
Membership. 1 Board Member (Liaison) and 1 chair, plus as many members as necessary to accomplish the work of the committee.
Duties. To help raise money for scholarships and prizes for the raffle during the conference, review scholarship applications to determine if the applicant qualifies for the scholarship, encourage colleagues to apply for scholarships and work the scholarship table during the conference.